Jazz Fest - Weekend 1

Week one of Jazz Fest just ended. I didn't have the chance to go to any performances, but I did partake is some of the festivities on Frenchman St. When we arrived, there was a brass band playing on the corner. Shortly after we got there, a second brass band set up on the corner across the street. Battle of the bands went on for at least an hour. It was wonderful! I really love all the music in this town.

Brass Band on Bourbon St.

Little boy dancing and performing with a balloon

Gentleman dancing in the street

New Orleans East

This past week I worked on Flake St. The soon to be homeowner (Terri) has been completing her sweat equity hours (Habitat for Humanity’s down payment requirement) at her future place. One day she brought her daughters so they could help in painting and partake in contributing to the rebuild of their new home.

I started out the week hanging cabinets. It is so much fun to learn all the new skills I’m learning. I was partnered with a volunteer from Oakland named Maya. It's such a small world, I have probably met more people from CA here than I did in CA.

My First Cabinets

Maya, Brian, & me

Make it Right Project

Saturday after work, I went to visit the lower ninth ward where some of the Make it Right Project (Brad Pitt's Project) houses are. Here's what a few of them look like.

Heavy eyes

Today was a very long day. I looked at the weather report this morning and it said mid 80’s. Then the radio said there was a 30% chance of rain. Around 1:00 pm it started to sprinkle, by 1:30 pm it was pouring with high winds, thunder and lightning. I was working and cleaning up in rain. The storm kept up for 3 hours, just enough time for us to pack things up and go home.

It’s going on 11 pm, my eyes are heavy and I can’t seem to focus anymore. I’m going to call it a night. More tomorrow.

Stupid hole!

Yes, Yes, I fell in this hole. Not to worry, just minor scrapes and bruises!

Gotta run

I'm headed out to meet with some other volunteers I met this morning. I will post more tomorrow. Till then, have a great night!

Savory Sunday's

OK, so I promised I would share Savory Sundays with you. While at the India House I met a group of people (Ellen, Stephanie, John, Han & Paul) from Madison, WI. Their mission is to feed the homeless, one by one. When in Madison, they go to the city’s capitol every Sunday and make a home cooked meal for those in need of a warm meal. Five of their members came to New Orleans on Spring Break to continue their mission in the Big City. When I was asked to join in, I jumped at the chance. I was able to help in cooking, preparing, distributing and listening. We passed out meals for 5 days at Jackson Square Park. I had the privilege of meeting and hearing the stories of many men and women in the French Quarter area that are without a place to call home.

I had such a great experience that I have decided to take over where Savory Sundays left off. So far, I have gathered 5 other people who would like to take part in helping feed the homeless.

Dr. Love (in center)

Musicians' Village

New Orleans has been known for some amazing talents. There are many, many artists in NOLA. As you know, Hurricane Katrina and the incidents surrounding it left many musicians without homes. Habitat for Humanity built 72 houses (on an 8 acre parcel of land in the upper ninth) in an effort to house artists who have defined the city’s culture and the sounds that have shaped the musical vernacular of the world. Another important innovation in the Musicians’ Village effort is the inclusion of the Ellis Marsalis Center for Music, named in honor of the New Orleans native and legendary jazz pianist, educator and patriarch.

I recently visited Musicians’ Village and wanted to share some pictures with you. It’s a lovely community.

Relaxing weekend

It was a very relaxing weekend. Brian (foreman) took me out on his bike and showed me around the upper/lower ninth ward. We also went to see some of the houses built through the Make It Right program (Brad Pitt's program). We were right next to where the levy broke.

It was very eye opening, and to think I arrived 5 years later. I have seen pictures and heard stories, but I can only imagine conditions just after Katrina hit. At times I wonder if I am too late...but it’s the locals who remind me that help is still needed now, and will be for a long time to come.

Long week

It’s the end of a very long week, and I can say I am glad my weekend is here. I definitely need to recoup. This past week was the first week that I worked 5 straight days. Man, I am pooped. Not to mention, it is starting to heat up out here. It was in the mid 80’s at least 3 days this week. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I haven’t gotten much sleep this week. On Thursday morning, I woke up at 5 am and could feel the hardwood floor underneath me. Apparently my air mattress has a puncture, which I can’t seem to find anywhere. Last night I slept on a couch that is more like a bench. It’s got a wooden frame and very thin cushions. This morning I woke up and wanted to stay home, but I didn’t. I arrived at the building site to see 3 busloads of students from LSU ready to help. I had a great day getting to know some of the students and help acting as assistant foreman.

Well the café where I am using wifi is getting ready to close so I will tell you more tomorrow. Good night all!

Week Three

It’s Thursday, and I am exhausted already. Work has been pretty tiring. I started out the week building in New Orleans East. The day began with me taking down the plywood from the front door. We have to cover the openings of the houses with plywood to prevent people from breaking in and stealing the copper wiring. Once I was done, I went into the house and pulled back all the plastic covering from the windows. Eventually, I moved on to cutting with an electric saw. My job was to cut all the base boards for the rest of the volunteers. After lunch, Brian told me I was going to be building the staircase and landing. I have been working on the landing since Tuesday afternoon and hope to be done by tomorrow.



Easter in NOLA

Though it wasn’t my family’s traditional Easter brunch and Easter egg hunt for me on Easter Sunday, I still had a wonderful day. One of my bunk mates (Briah) and I went down to Bourbon St. to watch the 3 parades and enjoy in the New Orleans festivities. We met a very nice couple (David & Tory) from Canada. Briah and I ended up spending the day and having dinner with David &Tory.

Hope you enjoy the pics.

We waited an hour and a half  for the parade to start and this was the first float