Last Night In New Orleans

It's the end of my journey, I am filled with emotion of excitement, sorrow, and contentment. I would love to write more but it’s going on 12 AM and I just finished packing, my flight leaves at 6 AM so I have to be up at 3 AM. So sorry but I am going to try and shut my eyes for a bit. I will write more tomorrow when I get home and post some pictures.

Good Night!

Sad Day In New Orleans

It's 10:00 AM and it's already been a full day. This morning I walked over to Brian's to pick up his truck, then I loaded my bags in the back. For those of you who don't know, I am a bit of a heavy packer...but cut me some slack, I was packing for 6 months and didn't know what I would need. :-) Anyways, yesterday I had a friend to help me with my large bag but today, it was all me. I must say, I did a pretty good job. It didn’t take me long to load the largest bag (which everyone refers to as a dead body) into the truck. Now, I'm headed to Greyhound where I will ship them to Seattle.

I'm dedicated to the job that needs to be done here in New Orleans and am determined to get to work today even if it's only for half a day as it will be my last day of building. It doesn't really seem bitter sweet, just sad!

Bright and Early

I woke up this morning at 8 AM and had another productive day of packing. I got 2 bags packed and had hoped to send them of on Greyhound shipping today but when I got there they were closed. Kind of frustrating because I asked a friend to take me and I called before hand to see what time they closed. The representative I spoke with gave me the hours of operation for the actual Greyhound transportation, not Greyhound shipping.

I will try again tomorrow. I'm hoping I can barrow my site supervisor’s truck but if not, I will have to catch a cab. I really hope the truck is available because I can't really afford the taxi.

My friend Jason treated me to a goodbye dinner. We called it an early night because we were both exhausted. It could have something to do with the fact that I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I’m planning on another busy day tomorrow...I would like to work one last day but I am not sure if I can fit it in with all that I have to do. Probably won't know until the morning but I'll keep you posted.

It’s only 9:50 PM here but I am headed to bed. Have a great evening everyone.

Sleepless in NOLA

It's going on 5 AM here and for some reason I'm just not tired. I've been in bed for a couple hours now but can't seem fall asleep.

Hope I can get some shut eye soon as my plan was to wake up by 8 AM to start packing. How frustrating!

Productive Day Off

I spent the day packing, organizing and taking care of logistics online. It was a pretty mellow day today, I actually didn't leave the house at all.

I can't believe I've only got 3 days left in New Orleans. I have to say it gets sadder and sadder as my departure date approaches. I am going to miss a number of things about New Orleans but most importantly, I will miss all the people I have met, and the friends that I have made.

This isn't good bye, I hope to return one day, even if just for a week long get away, or for Essence Fest.

Storms In The South

We have some pretty stormy days in Washington, but nothing compared to the thunder storms they have in the South. Though ours may last longer, there’s seem to hit much closer, (no matter where it is, it seems close) brighter and stronger.

Here are a few shots of the clouds just before the storm hit down.

Busy Week

Today was a difficult day...I had a lot of things on my mind and Brian had me looking after a house and 4 volunteers. My body is sore and I'm pretty beat from the heat (energy wise). I have one day left.  Part of me wants to take the day off to get some work done and the other part of me wants to go build another house as I'm not sure which day will be my last.

I am still not sure when I will be returning to WA, though I would like to say Thursday of next week. I will let you know when I have more.

A Lesson Learned

It was an amazing day, but ended on a bit of a sad note. I am emotionally spent so I am going to call it a night.

Sleep well.

Another Hot One

It's going on 10:30 PM here in New Orleans and I am absolutely beat. A hot one again, with a heat index of 110 and another heat advisory. Though tired by the end of the day, I've really started to get used to the heat and the physical expectation of the day. Still every now and again, the heat hits...there was a moment today that I had to sit for a second while the heat stroke passed. After that, I was right back at it, helping to get a house finished for closing.
I just got home and can't wait to lay it down. Good night all, see you tomorrow.

Beautiful Day in New Orleans

When I woke up this morning, I felt heavy, like I had a lot of things on my mind. Considering all that’s going on I decided to take the day off to make arrangements and get things organized. After spending the morning planning I decided to get out and go for a walk. I walked just over 5 miles around Audubon Park which is a beautiful park across the street from both Tulane University and Loyola University. It was so nice to be outside (by the way, it was 92 degrees with a heat index of 102 today) and around nature.

My evening turned out just as lovely. I joined a friend for dinner at a restaurant on the Riverbend followed by drinks at the Monkey Hill lounge, (one of my favorite places in New Orleans).

Such a wonderful day in NOLA, I’m feeling much lighter and am ready for whatever tomorrow may bring.

It's Official

After weighing all factors, I have made a decision. I have to change my plans and cut my New Orleans time short. I will be returning to the West Coast (destination is Seattle) sometime this week or next. :(

Upbeat in NOLA

I spent most of this afternoon working on projects at home. It was nice, and I was able to catch up on things after getting behind from being in CA. It started out as a pretty nice day. But shortly after returning from dinner with a friend, I started to feel a little somber. I guess  I’m still not ready to leave New Orleans.

I spent the first half of the evening in a bit of a funk, but after hanging out with a friend I realized that whether I end up going home early or not, I want to spend the rest of my time here enjoying every moment.

Thanks to my new friend in New Orleans.

Good night everyone.

Some Pics of Amber's Visit

Quiet Day in New Orleans

It was a very relaxing day today, which was nice. I needed that. After sleeping in til about 11:00 AM, I woke up fully rested and looking forward to the day. I went to lunch with a friend at Lucy's, where we were going to watch the World Cup. About 20 min. into the game, the satellite went out due to the daily storm in New Orleans.

It has been difficult to watch the World Cup series as I do not have a TV, so I was really looking forward to watching the final game. We decided to go to a bar around the corner. Of course I had been rooting for team USA, no longer in contention, so I was open either way (Spain/Netherlands). I had a blast watching the game and discussing it with fellow fans.

Reminded me of how much I miss the sport.

Pics from today

Dedication on Flake

Even though things are a bit stressful, I still want to give 100%. I went to bed last night looking forward to going to work and this morning I woke up with the same feeling.

Today was a wonderful day. Yes, it was 110 degrees again, but I still had a blast. I enjoyed every moment, from cutting to running errands to teaching and celebrating.

When I got to work today we were told that there was going to be a dedication. The house being dedicated was the first house I helped build start to finish (with the interior and finishing work). I also had the opportunity to work very closely with homeowner Joy (not her real name) over the past few months. I even had a chance to work with her lovely daughters a couple times. I took a few pictures on Brian’s disposable camera. I will get them posted as soon as I can, along with Joy’s bio.

Devastated in New Orleans

I'm so excited to be back in New Orleans.

I found myself feeling homesick around May. I didn’t necessarily want to leave New Orleans, but I was looking forward to returning to the West Coast. I enjoyed my time in California for the wedding, but was equally happy to come back to New Orleans for a couple of months. It all felt like things were (finally) coming together. I settled into my new place, recently met some new people, accepted the Southern lifestyle, and felt adapted to the work flow of building houses and really embraced it. I am truly excited to be here and I want to finish the work I started. I really hope that can happen.

But my journey may be cut short, and I feel devastated. I found out today that I may have to leave sooner then I expected due to financial reasons. I am not ready to leave, but after several days of trying to solve the problem, I have come to accept that I may have to go. I keep telling myself that it’s the Universe's way of telling me that now’s the time and something else is waiting around the corner. I hope so.

I'd like to finish out my time in New Orleans, but if not, I will go home knowing it's been an amazing experience and I accomplished much of what I set out to accomplish.

I just hope my time doesn’t get cut short--I'd like 2 more months of building.