The Value of Time

The longer I’m here, the more I learn the importance of“The Value of Time.” I can honestly say that over the years, I have become worse at being prompt, so it’s something I’ve been working on. I have definitely grown a bit frustrated at times with the lack of timeliness here.
New Orleans is a very laid back city. I'm not sure if all of Louisiana is like that, but I have a strong feeling that it’s probably a trait statewide.

It’s don't know how anyone can rely on public transportation here as their main means of transportation because it ever gets anywhere on time. Yesterday, on our way to church, the street car driver stopped twice, once to have a mechanic come fix the coin machine and another to switch drivers. All in all,  we were stuck sitting in the heat for an extra 15 - 20 minutes.

I'm learning. I figure the key is to always allow for delays :-).


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